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UK - Tourist Visa

UK Visit Visa

Visiting UK for a shot term on a holiday or a vacation is dream shared by millions of people around the world.


United Kingdom as a tourist Destination

United Kingdom is ranked as the sixth major tourist destination in the world London is ranked among top cities which attract maximum international visitors. The United Kingdom is packed with historic memorials, royal palaces and some of the world’s top galleries and museums.

Britain is a diverse country full of colours; wherever you travel, you will find a huge variety of landscapes and diverse cultures and communities to explore. You will get to see some of the most happening shopping attractions and top nightclubs in Britain. The world famous sites i.e. Tower of London, Madame Tussauds museum, Stonehenge, Tower Bridge and so on.

Britain is one among the great sporting nations, and is home to some of the world’s great sporting events, i.e. Wimbledon, the London Marathon, County Cricket, etc.

The various Categories of Visitors coming to UK every year. There are different reasons to visit UK as mentioned below


Tourism and visiting friends

1. General visitors

2. Child visitors

3. ADS visitors


Visiting Family

1. Family visitors

2. Child visitors


Visiting to do business

1. Business visitors

2. Visitors undertaking permitted paid engagements

3. Child visitors

4. Prospective entrepreneurs

5. Student visitors

6. Child visitors

7. Prospective students – Closed to new applicants

8. Parents of children at school

9. Sports visitors

10. Child visitor

11. Entertainer visitors

12. Visitors for marriage or civil partnership

13. Visitors for private medical treatment


Visiting to study

1. Student visitors

2. Child visitors

3. Parents of children at school


Visiting as a Sportsperson

1. Sports visitors

2. Child visitors


Visiting as an Entertainer

1. Entertainer visitors

2. Child visitors


Visiting for other reasons

1. Visitors for marriage or civil partnership

2. Visitors for private medical treatment


How to apply for a Tourist visa

In order to initiate your application for Tourist visa, fill up the free assessment form, so that our UK Immigration Specialist may contact you with all the relevant information and further visa procedure guidelines for you. For UK visas our immigration specialists not only guide you for the document preparation giving weightage to every minute details related to your case but also prepare you for the visa interview process to achieve the successful outcome.

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